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Myddle & Broughton Parish Council

Shropshire, UK

Home / How we make decisions / Programme of Meetings

Programme of Meetings

Parish Clerk: Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP
01743 236810  email:
All meetings start at 7.30pm.
Prior to the start of the official agenda there is a ten minute period when members of the public can raise questions about items on the agenda or bring to the attention of Members concerns about issues within the Parish.
Members of the public wishing to have items included on a particular agenda must forward these to the Clerk at least ten days prior to the advertised date of the meeting.
Parish Clerk: Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP
01743 236810  email:
All meetings start at 7.30pm.
Prior to the start of the official agenda there is a ten minute period when members of the public can raise questions about items on the agenda or bring to the attention of Members concerns about issues within the Parish.
Members of the public wishing to have items included on a particular agenda must forward these to the Clerk at least ten days prior to the advertised date of the meeting.
Parish Clerk: Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP
01743 236810  email:
All meetings start at 7.30pm.
Prior to the start of the official agenda there is a ten minute period when members of the public can raise questions about items on the agenda or bring to the attention of Members concerns about issues within the Parish.
Members of the public wishing to have items included on a particular agenda must forward these to the Clerk at least ten days prior to the advertised date of the meeting.

Parish Clerk: Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP

01743 236810  email:


All meetings start at 7.30pm.

Prior to the start of the official agenda there is a ten minute period when members of the public can raise questions about items on the agenda or bring to the attention of Members concerns about issues within the Parish.
Members of the public wishing to have items included on a particular agenda must forward these to the Clerk at least ten days prior to the advertised date of the meeting.




MAY    Annual General Meeting with election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Council Representatives
Meeting held in Myddle Village Hall on first Wedneday in
 the month

JUNE Receipt and review of the Internal Audit ; the annual accounts  comparison and comparisons with the planned budget and previous year's expenditure.
Meeting held in Harmer Hill Village Hall on last Wednesday in the month Approval of documents for the external auditor. Payments of major grants.

Review of external audit
Meeting held in Myddle Village Hallon first Wedneday in the month

Mid-year review of income and expenditure

Review of the Council's Policy Documents.

NOVEMBER Identification of budget heads for the next finacial year.
Meeting held in Harmer Hill Village Hall on first Wedneday in the month  

JANUARY Budget and precept setting for following year
Meeting held in Myddle Village Hall on first Wedneday in the month Determination of Section 137 grants

MARCH Payment of Section 137 grants
Meeting held in Harmer Hill Village Hall on first Wedneday in the month Confirmation of dates for following year’s meetings

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Under statute, the Council has to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which is an open meeting and gives an opportunity for the Council to report on the previous year’s business and allows members of the public to raise items for discussion and question Councillors
  The meeting is held on the third Wednesday in MayThe meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council.




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